Percuter Animaux sauvages au Canada

Comme la maison à dix pour cent des forêts du monde, il est pas surprenant que vous avez la possibilité de rencontrer une assez sauvage animaux au Canada.

Nous vous donnerons un aperçu des différents animaux sur lesquels vous pourriez tomber, some inside spotting tips and a few safety precautions to help you to be bear aware during your time in the Canadian great outdoors.

Moose on the loose

Orignal mâle canadien

En tant que plus grand membre de la famille des cerfs, un orignal est un animal formidable à voir dans la faune canadienne.

The best months for spotting Moose in Canada are May and June. They love to hang around roadside ditches, lakes and streams. You might need to take a boat trip on one of Canada’s many lakes to get a glimpse of these funky creatures but it is an awesome sight to see.

Ours noirs planant sur les montagnes au Canada

Ours noir au Canada

With over 380,000 ours noirs estimés être au Canada, il y a un grand potentiel pour en apercevoir un si vous explorez les forêts canadiennes. Bears enjoy prancing around Canadian golf courses.

We often hear stories of black bears spotted high in the mountains or on hidden trails but they also keep locals entertained in resorts such as Whistler, Banff and Big White. Check out this recent video of a black bear having a dance on a golf course green. Remember to never feed a bear, keep your distance and look up if you plan to hike unmarked trails, Bears are great climbers!

Elks on the roadsides


Connus sous le nom de chatterboxes de la communauté des cerfs, les élans sont le deuxième plus gros cerf du parc à côté de l'orignal. Other deer found in the park are caribou, cerf mulet, et cerf de Virginie.

Bull Elk’s are an awesome sight with their large antlers. Check out the grasslands on the outskirts of Banff National Park and the roadsides in the BC interior to spot one of these huge animals.

Cougars et carcajous dans les parcs au Canada

Carcajou au Canada

Cougars and Wolverine’s are great at playing hide and seek. They mainly hang around the great mountain forests. They don’t want to be tracked down but if you see one, you are more than likely to see a couple as they travel in packs.

Observation des baleines dans l'océan Pacifique

baleine passant aux États-Unis - Frontière canadienne

If you are on a working holiday visa in the West of Canada take a trip to Vancouver Island. Les eaux de l'île deviennent la maison de plus 200 species of Whales every June. Whale watching tours take off from Victoria harbour every day. You are not guaranteed to see one but if you do it will be worth a million memories.

Watch the Black Fish doc before you head out to the seas. Seeing giant Orca Whales will be a highlight of your time in Canada.

Lire aussi:

Safety Comes First

If you take a trip to Whistler Village you will find “Be Bear Aware” panneaux sur chaque bac et à proximité de tout lieu de restauration.

The resorts in Canada are incredibly clean and you won’t find rubbish thrown anywhere. C'est génial pour admirer les touristes mais c'est aussi une mesure de sécurité importante pour éviter l'intrusion d'ours. Bears follow the scent of all types of food so remember to clean up after you eat and don’t leave food out to tempt the hungry bears.

Driving slowly is something we recommend to all of our readers but even more so when you could come across a sprinting Moose or elk along the road.

These are huge animals and you might make a dent in them if your car bangs into one but they will also leave a dent in you.

The winter road conditions can be extremely hazardous in Canada but add wild animals into the equation and you will need that extra mile of caution to all of your journeys.

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