Options de remboursement d'impôt au Canada

Les options de remboursement d'impôt canadien expliquées

You could end up with $998 dans votre poche de votre remboursement d'impôt canadien!

The important thing here is to ensure that you are filing correctly. Depending on the amount of time you have spent in Canada and certain other circumstances, the CRA will consider you as “non-resident” or “resident” for tax purposes.

Si vous êtes un non-résident ou un immigrant du Canada, you cannot e-file your tax return. Les non-résidents et émigrés fichier à partir du papier Canada doit leur déclaration de revenus.

Filing incorrectly as a resident or using the e-filing system can lead to significant problems down the line. You may end up having to repay an incorrectly issued tax refund to the CRA. And you will most likely have already spent the refund money by the time you get the letter from the tax office.

  • If you are still on the edge of your seat…keep reading!

You have two main options when it comes to applying for a tax refund in Canada. You can do it yourself with the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) or use a company or accountant like Taxback.com.


1. Use Taxback.com

Taxback.com - Services Canada déclaration d'impôtThe benefits of using a company like Taxback.com is that they have years of experience filing Canadian tax refunds for people just like you.

Other tax service providers and accountants may be more familiar with filing taxes for Canadian citizens only so be sure you do your research. Taxback.com specialises in refunds for people working overseas so they are up to date on changes to international tax laws and treaties.

Thus, you can rest assured that you will be fully compliant and receive the maximum legal refund.

Some additional benefits of Taxback.com are that they speak 22 languages and have offices in 21 countries so you will have no problem communicating with them even after you return home.

Taxback.com operate a “no refund – no fee” policy and charge nothing upfront. en fait, they only deduct their fee when they receive the refund cheque from the tax office and transfer the rest to your account. So in essence, you never have to put your hand in your pocket!

Not interested in reading all of this now? Register here and Taxback.com will set you up with a free personal Tax Tracker ® account and remind you about your taxes at the end of the tax year. Register with Taxback.com.

Vous voulez demander un remboursement d'impôt du Canada?


2. DIY with CRA

Les avantages de le faire vous-même sont que vous allez apprendre une chose ou deux au sujet de la législation fiscale canadienne et vous ne serez pas payer une redevance à un expert-comptable ou fournisseur de services d'impôt.

First off, be sure to contact the CRA to determine your residency status before you file your return and look into any tax treaties that are in place between your country of origin and Canada.

L'ARC international des services fiscaux ont des bureaux qui sont généralement très utiles afin de les utiliser où vous pouvez.

L'étape suivante consiste à get the forms you will need in any Canada Post office and once you complete these you will need to snail mail them to the International Tax Services Office with your T4.

Comment produire votre déclaration de revenus canadienne?

Obtenez vos mains sur votre T4

The Canadian tax year runs from 1st January – 31st December.

After the end of the tax year (usually in February), your employer will issue you with your T4. Ce document est une déclaration de vos revenus pour l'année précédente et montre combien d'impôt vous avez payé,,en,Votre T4 est très important parce que vous pouvez,,en,utilisez-le pour demander votre remboursement d'impôt,,en,Deuxième étape - déposer à temps,,en,Chaque vacancier canadien actif est légalement tenu de produire une déclaration de revenus,,en,Et vous ne pouvez pas demander votre remboursement d'impôt sans produire votre déclaration,,en,La date limite pour le dépôt,,en,est avril,,en,Alors filez à l'heure,,en,Troisième étape - demandez l'aide d'un agent fiscal,,en,Le montant de votre remboursement d'impôt dépendra d'un grand nombre de facteurs,,en,Votre statut de résidence,,en,Combien de temps avez-vous travaillé,,en,Combien d'emplois avez-vous eu,,en,Revenu que vous avez reçu de l'étranger,,en,Combien d'impôt avez-vous payé,,en,Si une convention fiscale est applicable,,en,Mais que faire si vous ne comprenez pas vos droits fiscaux,,en.

Your T4 is very important because you can l'utiliser pour demander votre remboursement d'impôt canadien.

Taxback.com will ensure that you avail of every tax deduction that you are entitled to, file your tax return for you, retrieve your maximum legal tax refund and make sure you remain compliant with your visa conditions.

Their average Canadian Tax Refund is $998 and they can transfer your refund to anywhere in the world!

And if you have left Canada without applying for your tax refund, don’t worry! You have up to 10 years to claim it.

Get started now!